2008年11月15日 星期六


From http://e105026waylong.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!CF9C382116F8F8B4!486.entry

昨天, 很偶然情況下的一個飯局,朋友們談到了最近台灣的政治街頭運動.然而身處在海外的我,原本是非常不感興趣—張銘清被推倒的事件和陳雲林的訪台,因為本身認為那已經無意義而且也改變不了現在台灣社會,畢竟台灣政治議題對於台灣社會是最沒意義的事(no benefit).可昰,從朋友口中聽到了令我羞恥的一件事.她現在住Home stay的家庭中, Home爸拿著報紙(還特別剪下來)詢問她”台灣街頭運動的事”,當下她覺得非常羞愧.我用”街頭運動”來形容是美化了她們的對話,圖片和文字新聞讓她不知如何應對.當下,她臉一沉的回房間.話題後來一轉,又談到先前張銘清摔倒的事情;朋友們的談話之下,我才知道這上了Australia的新聞,越講大家越覺得羞愧,因為在國外見到的這些新聞,都不是對台灣的名聲(或稱之為中華民國)有不好的影響.事後讓我反覆思良的昰,假如有一個外國人拿著剪報詢問我這些事時,我該如何回答呢!?






From http://e105026waylong.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!CF9C382116F8F8B4!496.entry




Cherry blossoms are snowing; the spring’s wind blows out the winter night.
The lotus is floating on the pound; the frog in the summer son is noisy.
Red leaves of the maple are falling; the autumn flowers are fading (away).
The litterfall is in the cold moon; the plum blossom in the winter catches the end of the year.

All four seasons are ongoing and subsequent no matter how many years are. The spring means creation; the summer means growth; the autumn means fading; the winter means a rest. As one season, it can reflect a life attitude and show a life value. However, no one can stay on the one season permanently. Also, no one can live within one life value. Therefore, the true value within the four seasons is ongoing from one season to another. After the sequence of the four seasons, the whole value can be demonstrated. Before the winter comes, the summer cannot be felt hot. Before the autumn leaves, the spring cannot be felt comfortable. The feeling have to be compared and experienced in order to reveal other values.

As the fireworks, the value is not only the watching. The crowded people, the noisy laugh and an amazing feeling can be experienced. More importantly, the person who stays with you at that moment is the vital for that experience, which is the real value for that moment. Watching fireworks is to catch that shining memory at the moment. Also, the comprehensive experience of watching fireworks can be felt. The true value is that holistic process.

2008年11月12日 星期三

真相(The truth)

From http://e105026waylong.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!CF9C382116F8F8B4!491.entry


所以在某一層面來說, 「真相」只在人的腦袋中!而非真實的存在!

In the historical study, the true history cannot be revealed because what people read is from what the historian writes. Since 19 century, the historical research has emphasised on the evidence and the scientific approach. The historians try to collect historical chips in order to reappear to the true history. However, what is the truth? What is the real history? The modern historians mostly agree that there is no “real” history or “truth” because they can only represent some parts of the history, not the holistic history. The truth what people believe is the common. Further, the “truth” people believe might misinterpret and misrepresent relatively because people only believe what they seek. On the other hand, the lie what people identify is what people dislike. Ironically, if some one can voice what people like and desire, people might be controlled and misled.

As the truth, it is only in the human mind, not the real existence!