2012年7月21日 星期六

Suleiman’s verses 蘇萊曼一世的詩

From : http://e105026.wordpress.com/2010/08/12/suleimans-verses-%E8%98%87%E8%90%8A%E6%9B%BC%E4%B8%80%E4%B8%96%E7%9A%84%E8%A9%A9/

Everyone aims at the same meaning, but many are the versions of the story.
Suleiman I   (6 November 1494  – September 1566)
鄂圖曼帝國的蘇萊曼一世  (1494-1566)
The people think of wealth and power as the greatest fate,
But in this world a spell of health is the best state.
What men call sovereignty is a worldly strife and constant war;
Worship of God is the highest throne, the happiest of all estates.
Suleiman I


Thank you, Max!!(2008 年 04 月 08 日 – 19:45:47)

From : http://e105026.wordpress.com/2008/04/08/thank-you-max/

Today, I’ve done the middle exam of Innovation. The lecturer, Max, didn’t give us difficult tasks, so I think I would pass through the exam peacefully!! Although I just prepared more than 3 hours, I didn’t struggle during the exam!! Max is a good guy and spray out the kindness to my classmates! I want to say again…..thank you, Max!!

Life is how is planned and plotted!(2008 年 07 月 25 日 – 22:26:12)

From : http://e105026.wordpress.com/2008/07/25/life-is-how-is-planned-and-plotted/

Today, my friends and I had a joke about working holiday visa! When they mentioned their new roommates, I heard and misunderstood they were taken “Walking” holiday visa not “Working”. Therefore, we made a joke between “Walking” and “Working”. Ironically, this joke represents two types of people with working holiday visa. One is planned life and the other one is sunny life. For instance, some of them planned their Australian life. They went to most eastern Australian city by their hands and planned their farm stops. Their skin was looked very dark because of sunshine. Moreover, they also went to language school and had good experiences with overseas people. I think they realise farm life might not offer good environment to learn English because most labours are from Asia and tactful English could not be learnt from farm. Compared with planned life, some of them were quite happy in Australia but they hung around with friends who are the common nationality. Therefore, it became a real holiday but they didn’t learn too much English. However, the real meaning about working holiday is to offer a chance to experience Australia and to have an overseas life. More interestingly, more and more people from Taiwan go abroad, particularly female people.  

Dark and Light

From : http://e105026.wordpress.com/2008/07/27/dark-and-light/

Light is without hide
Dark isn’t in the night
Day is actually connected with night
Walking under the light
Action can be below the eye
Truth is not into the normal mind
Doing what is revealed has to be observed what the reason is
Every action has its sign and meanings
Represent what has been encounter
Don’t Judge Light Unless You’re Blind
Understand the dark side

The Good marketing in Ekka(2008 年 08 月 10 日 – 01:55:07)

From : http://e105026.wordpress.com/2008/08/10/the-good-marketing-in-ekka/

After I went to Ekka, I realise one thing which is that Coke-Cola do marketing campaign very well. This firm is one of Ekka’s sponsors in this year and it conveys its green image. Importantly, it hires the correct person doing correct things. For instance, the staff was very happy to introduce green campaign and she was always smiling when she was talking to people. If people do a activity all day, they might be tired and respond audiences unexcitingly. However, she was not!!
The other good marketer is “Queensland Government”. Australian government spends money on advertising and on marketing the most in the world. Actually, I observed this fact in the Ekka. Queensland government advertises recycle water and encourages people to drink on the exhibition of Ekka. In addition, some government departments air some issues in this festival, such as saving water and healthy habit. And I’m aware of one thing which is “Australian government is very rich!” because I got lots of free gifts for Queensland Government. Thank you- Queensland Government!!

真相(The truth)

From : http://e105026.wordpress.com/2008/11/11/%E7%9C%9F%E7%9B%B8the-truth/

在歷史學裡,沒有所謂真實的歷史,因為閱者所讀乃書者所聞。十九世紀後的史學,重 證據、重科學;史家們企圖收集許多歷史片段,重現所謂的「真相」。然而,何謂真相,何謂事實。現代歷史學家大部分都同意一件事,沒有所謂「真正歷史」和真 正的「真相」,因為史家們只能呈現一部分的歷史,而非真正的全貌。人們所相信的真相也是如此;相對地,扭曲得十分嚴重,因為-人類只會把想看到的東西,當作是真相;不想聽到的東西,則全都是謊言。諷刺的說,只要說出人們想聽的話,就能夠輕易操縱人群.
所以在某一層面來說, 「真相」只在人的腦袋中!而非真實的存在!
In the historical study, the true history cannot be revealed because what people read is from what the historian writes. Since 19 century, the historical research has emphasised on the evidence and the scientific approach. The historians try to collect historical chips in order to reappear to the true history. However, what is the truth? What is the real history? The modern historians mostly agree that there is no “real” history or “truth” because they can only represent some parts of the history, not the holistic history. The truth what people believe is the common. Further, the “truth” people believe might misinterpret and misrepresent relatively because people only believe what they seek. On the other hand, the lie what people identify is what people dislike. Ironically, if some one can voice what people like and desire, people might be controlled and misled.
As the truth, it is only in the human mind, not the real existence! 


From : http://e105026.wordpress.com/2008/11/15/%E5%83%B9%E5%80%BCvalue/

Cherry blossoms are snowing; the spring’s wind blows out the winter night.
The lotus is floating on the pound; the frog in the summer son is noisy.
Red leaves of the maple are falling; the autumn flowers are fading (away).
The litterfall is in the cold moon; the plum blossom in the winter catches the end of the year.
All four seasons are ongoing and subsequent no matter how many years are. The spring means creation; the summer means growth; the autumn means fading; the winter means a rest. As one season, it can reflect a life attitude and show a life value. However, no one can stay on the one season permanently. Also, no one can live within one life value. Therefore, the true value within the four seasons is ongoing from one season to another. After the sequence of the four seasons, the whole value can be demonstrated. Before the winter comes, the summer cannot be felt hot. Before the autumn leaves, the spring cannot be felt comfortable. The feeling have to be compared and experienced in order to reveal other values.
As the fireworks, the value is not only the watching. The crowded people, the noisy laugh and an amazing feeling can be experienced. More importantly, the person who stays with you at that moment is the vital for that experience, which is the real value for that moment. Watching fireworks is to catch that shining memory at the moment. Also, the comprehensive experience of watching fireworks can be felt. The true value is that holistic process.





From : http://e105026.wordpress.com/2009/06/29/%E5%A4%A2%E8%A3%A1%E7%9A%84%E4%BE%9D%E8%88%8A%E5%92%8C%E5%A6%82%E6%82%89/

您的身影 依舊
您的話語 如悉
滴滴記憶片段 滾動在心
絲絲溫暖對談 輕撫靈魂
近在咫尺 卻 遠別這世
夢裡的擔憂 還是無依的我

Homeless day(2008 年 04 月 02 日 – 04:11:02)

From : http://e105026.wordpress.com/2008/04/02/homeless-day/

Yesterday, I was going to stay up in the library bravely.  However, I changed my mind after 10 pm because my work was done earlier,which wasn’t my anticipation. Unfortunately, I still lost the bus so I’m at Unit!! That’s a good opportunity to do a good student but I miss my bed!! Working hard is not easy because I’m only wearing two clothes and the night is such “unfriendly” and cold. At this time, I miss more than before and only MSN is my company…!! I shouldn’t do my great plan again!!  

Whitsunday expenditure detail(2008 年 11 月 24 日 – 21:09:35)

名目 收入 支出 資金總量 現金持有 銀行現金 備註
Whitsundays 集資金
$4,000.00   $4,000.00   $4,000.00 每人收500元澳幣,總共八人.
  $1,657.24 $2,342.76   $2,342.76 including credit card fee 24.49;Taxes470;
Total package price 1657.24AUD
  $1,722.20 $620.56   $620.56 including credit card fee 24.49;Baggage64;
Taxes476.56;Total package price 1722,20AUD
  $44.85   $575.71   (1)小肥羊調味包*4,泡麵一大包,
Transportation Fee 
  $55.50   $520.21   From Gary’s home to Brisbane airport
Transportation Fee 
  $200.00   $320.21   From Whitsunday airport to
Bule Horizon hotel return tickets ( 25*8)
Transportation Fee 
  $8.50   $311.71   From Airlie suburb to Colse
  $122.30   $189.41   單據(2)
Transportation Fee 
  $9.70   $179.71   From  Colse to Airlie suburb
digital pictures
  $5.00   $174.71   The digital pictures in the day tour
  $60.50   $114.21   Pizza large*2 and Fish&Chips and Pasta*2
  $19.90   $94.31   Pizza large*2 (Domions Pizza)
Transportation Fee 
  $60.00   $34.31   From Brisbane airport to Gary’s Home
  $34.31   $0.00   單據(3) and 黑輪 (AU 8.65)
Virgin blue holiday package
DEP: 19-Nov-08
RTN: 22-Nov-08
RMS: 1
DEP TIME: 12:35
ARR TIME: 14:15
Return flight
DEP TIME: 14:45
ARR TIME: 16:10
Blue Horizon Resort 
Two Bedroom Apartment
Total: 1287.75 include tax(3 people)
Per person: 429.25

Shihlin Night Market(2008 年 12 月 30 日 – 14:12:06)

Shihlin Night Market is the one of the largest night markets in Taipei. The market is centered on Yangmin Theater and Tsicheng Temple. The night market is formed by many prosperous shops on Wenlin Road, Datung Road and Danan Road, etc. Among them, Shihlin Market was built as early as in 1899 and the market is famous for various snacks and eatery. Many visitors have come to Shihlin Night Market to enjoy the delicious foods, such as large pancake enfolding small pancake, hot pot on stone or Shihlin sausage. Shihlin Night Market has become a renowned place for great foods.
Because the night market is close to many schools, students are the main customer group. Goods are sold at less expensive prices as compared to regular stores. There are special areas for furniture, clothing, photo shops or pet shops. The finery shops and cold dessert shops in "lover’s lane" attract most student customers.
Shihlin Night Market covers a large area. When one walks in the turning lanes and alleys, he (she) would often find something unexpected. The night market is packed with many people during holidays. We can often see families carrying many things from shopping and enjoying good meals. Their satisfaction is fully shown from their happy expressions.

Byron Bay on October 4, 2008!!

From : http://e105026.wordpress.com/2008/10/10/byron-bay-on-october-4-2008/

Byron Bay is the easternmost point of the Australian mainland. The most famous landscape is the white lighthouse. However, tourists are difficult to just stay there for the lighthouse. General day-tour is just for visiting the lighthouse. If you do not go down the hill about 30 minutes, you will get bored and get cold by the strong wind.
Get out the lighthouse, which locates on the small hill, tourists can visit the town. This town has traditional outlets and western shops. Specially, you are difficult to meet Asian tourists.
My tour members
Who is the stranger behind the “MileStone”??
We can feel the earth, the sea, the universe……!!
How a unique shop!!