L先生: 非常有幸訪談到I先生,尤其是最近的電子產業的活動情況,他有較深刻的認識。特別是針對韓國電子業脈動和logistics這一塊上。先請I先生談一談目前這產業的生態。
I 先生: 就我所知,整個台灣的電子產業還是無法脫離「製造」這個角色。以我目前的所知的PM工作而言,雖然名為產品規劃,但是大部分負責的是Logistics的工作,包括連絡、接單、產品運送時間的問題處理。整個工作角色並非產品的市場定位,這和Textbook或是實際職位定位有很大的落差。
L先生: 我好奇的是,即使是英業達或是相關的大企業的PM也是如此嗎?
L先生: 這不是團隊的意義嗎?分工加協調!
I先生: 在這個部分是如此,結合我前面所說的,以風扇負責人員而言,他必須確保物料和工廠的製作流程,而公司也希望他只要在這方面做好工作就行,所以這個人員可能是數個產品風扇負責人。然而以台灣國際製造的地位,他可能一天到晚負責溝通Logistics的問題就夠了!所以,因為公司的定位(指製造),這名員工的成長性就只集於某方面。然而,在實際的工作場景中,這名員工是更繁忙的,因為他要負責全球各地的訂單、製造和時程調配,雖然他只負責風扇。
L先生: 聽起來,似乎都不會學習到額外的經驗。
I先生: 是會學習到東西,但是員工可替代性太高了,也沒有多於時間作學習或進修。在某一個層面而言,在台灣的PM只是工業管理或是Logistics management而已,並非Marketing的角色。
L先生: 這令我想到,1990年代後歐美企業為了降低生產成本,紛紛讓製造部門或是一些相關子公司獨立成為衛星公司,使這些衛星公司能獨立接其他公司的訂單,自負盈虧。演變至21世紀成為行銷和製造雙軌的市場模式。再加上全球化,負責品牌行銷的公司能於全球採購,容易找到有品質又有效率高的工廠,因為全球競爭。這些歐美品牌大廠真的賺好多錢,累死的是製造的公司。
I先生: 恩沒錯!所以現在台灣比的是誰能Cost Down多,員工就成為壓榨的對象。所以生活品質就更差。
2009年11月11日 星期三
2009年10月1日 星期四
驕人 (Look down on one)
馬克斯·韋伯 (Max Weber) 界定人與人能溝通的基礎在於相互間彼此是否有期待。所以,當對方拒絕談話時,表示沒有想接受他人期待,沒有達到希望的溝通目的;這可能是,語言交流的失敗,抑或情感對話的挫傷。然而,溝通當中,以驕傲態度的溝通模式最沒效率和最傷人,也就是強勢一方的睥睨,可謂是驕傲對人,簡稱驕人。人們可以遇到二種主要驕傲對人的溝通方式:財富驕人、知識驕人。
2009年3月20日 星期五
The human life is similar as the train which is never to stop to going forward to where the passenger wants to go until the customer pull off. Also, the human life is similar as the travel book which is written consistently by the traveler until the author stops writing. The human life can be described as limitless words. However, where the true life is to go is determined by the self who owns and seizes the true life. Can we control our life? Can we create our life?
Behaviorists emphasise that the environment deeply impacts people on their behaviour. The behaviorism of Watson said, “You give me a three year-old child, and then I can convert him to who you want to be.” It means that the human can be converted by the controllable environment. Although cognitive psychologists partly change behaviorists’ view, they cannot deny the importance of the environment for the human life. Ironically, the life of people can be converted and influenced by the positive background and the negative condition. Who can do what they want to do under this unpredictable environment.
Match points on the human life are the key time in the human life, and convert people. Someone could be become an opportunist in order to chase the benefits, but someone could be become a conservative in order to defend their thoughts. I don’t want to evaluate the meanings of the life, but feel the vulnerability of the human because people can be converted by the environment and match points. However, Zen, which is one theory of the Buddhism, will think my article has been restricted by what I want to demonstrate.
The human life is similar as the train which is never to stop to going forward to where the passenger wants to go until the customer pull off. Also, the human life is similar as the travel book which is written consistently by the traveler until the author stops writing. The human life can be described as limitless words. However, where the true life is to go is determined by the self who owns and seizes the true life. Can we control our life? Can we create our life?
Behaviorists emphasise that the environment deeply impacts people on their behaviour. The behaviorism of Watson said, “You give me a three year-old child, and then I can convert him to who you want to be.” It means that the human can be converted by the controllable environment. Although cognitive psychologists partly change behaviorists’ view, they cannot deny the importance of the environment for the human life. Ironically, the life of people can be converted and influenced by the positive background and the negative condition. Who can do what they want to do under this unpredictable environment.
Match points on the human life are the key time in the human life, and convert people. Someone could be become an opportunist in order to chase the benefits, but someone could be become a conservative in order to defend their thoughts. I don’t want to evaluate the meanings of the life, but feel the vulnerability of the human because people can be converted by the environment and match points. However, Zen, which is one theory of the Buddhism, will think my article has been restricted by what I want to demonstrate.
2009年2月7日 星期六
Dark and Light
From http://e105026waylong.spaces.live.com/blog/cns!CF9C382116F8F8B4!252.entry
Light is without hide
Dark isn’t in the night
Day is actually connected with night
Walking under the light
Action can be below the eye
Truth is not into the normal mind
Doing what is revealed has to be observed what the reason is
Every action has its sign and meanings
Represent what has been encounter
Don’t Judge Light Unless You’re Blind
Understand the dark side
Light is without hide
Dark isn’t in the night
Day is actually connected with night
Walking under the light
Action can be below the eye
Truth is not into the normal mind
Doing what is revealed has to be observed what the reason is
Every action has its sign and meanings
Represent what has been encounter
Don’t Judge Light Unless You’re Blind
Understand the dark side
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